Halloween is slowly sneaking in on us and the anticipation is definitely becoming real. Fortunately, we have some creative projects we can throw ourselves at while we wait. As the autumn darkness spreads across Denmark, it’s also a great way to spread a little bit of “hygge”. Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon Buns will of course always do the trick, but for us a simple DIY project also works just fine (If you want to score top marks with the kids, you do both!). Are your kids just as impatient as ours and long for quick results when they work on a projekt, they are gonna love these easy Halloween Paper Bats!

Psstt! If you long for even more inspiration on DIY projects, go follow us on Pinterest, where we post and share lots and lots of ideas!


You will need:

• An empty toilet paper roll
Black paint
Eye stickers
Black paper
Thin wire

How to:

  1. Start by painting the toilet paper roll black and let the paint dry completely.
  2. Draw  the wings on a black piece of paper.
  3. Glue the wings on to the toilet paper roll.
  4. Glue the eyes on toilet paper roll.
  5. On the back of the bat, make two small holes opposite each other at the top and thread the wire through.
  6. Make a loop so that the bat can hang in a tree.


Drop the glued eyes and just make two holes instead. Put a small electrical light inside and your bat will lighten up the darkness.