These small delicious chia seeds puddings were ment to be my breakfast for some days in a row. But the boys thought they were absolutely yummy and instead of beeing my breakfast, this healthy overnight pudding became our family´s new snack. Perfect after school and kindergarten where the boys need some energy (and there are to many hours to dinner).

Love Alexandra

Chia pudding with mango, pomegranate & mint

Chia pudding with blueberry, banana & granola

Chia pudding

Chia pudding with chocolate & raspberry



Basic Chia

You will need:

• 300 g greek yoghurt or skyr
• 4 tbsp chia seeds
• 100 g milk (regular, almond, soya or rice)
• 1 tbs vanilla powder
• 1 tbsp agave syrup
• 30 g oatmeal


Chia pudding with mango, pomegranate & mint

You will need:

• 1 cup basic chia pudding
• 1/2 mango, cut into cubes
• 1/2 pomgranate, seeds
• Mint leaves
• Agave syrup

Chia pudding with blueberry, banana & granola

You will need:

• 1 cup basic chia pudding
• ½ tsp cinnamon
• 1/2 cup blueberry
• 1 banana, mashed
• granola
• honey


Chia pudding with chocolat & raspberry

You will need:

• 1 cup basic chia pudding
• 1 tbsp cacao
• 2 ½ tsp marple syrup
• 2 pinches of vanilla powder
• 1 banana, mashed
• Raspberry
• Cacao nibs

How to:

Basic chia pudding:
1. Mix everything in a bowl.
2. Cover and let rest in fridge overnight or at least 3-5 hours.
3. Serve it plain or choose one of these toppings.

Chia pudding with mango, pomegranate & mint:
1. Layer basic chia pudding with mango cut into cubes and pomegranate seeds.
2. Top with mango, pomegranate seeds, some mint leaves and agave syrup.

Chia pudding with blueberry, banana & granola:
1. Mix chia pudding with blueberry, mashed banana and cinnamon.
2. Top with blueberries, granola and some honey.

Chia pudding with chocolate & raspberry:
1. Mix chia pudding with cacao, mashed banana, marple syrup and some extra vanilla powder.
2. Top your pudding with raspberry and some cacao nibs.


Chia is the ancient Mayan word for strength.