This Christmas Christmas Tree Chocolate Cake might just be a new classic!

While we have been busy with the latest issue of SEASONS and Christmas prepping, the big day is approaching fast.

And even though we just made an entire magazine full of inspiration, tips and ideas for Christmas, we always have a few more ideas up our sleeve…

This Christmas Tree Chocolate Cake turned out so well, that we just had to share it with all of you. The cake is supple and rich, and the small gingerbread cookie trees makes it looks so pretty. We’re definitely going to serve it for guests, together with a glass of warm mulled wine. And maybe it will go on to be a new Christmas classic.

If you want more inspiration and haven’t received your FREE copy of SEASONS yet, you can get it here. This time, the magazine is packed with inspiration for this year’s mulled wine mingle, natural and sustainable Christmas decorations and a bubbly start to New Year’s Eve.


You will need:

• 125 g butter
• 100 g dark chocolate, melted
• 2 eggs
• 200 g cane sugar
• 2 tsp vanilla sugar
• 100 g all-purpose flour
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 2 tbsp cacao
• 1/4 tsp fine salt
• 1tsp cinnamon

• Baking form 25x 20cm

• 125 g powdered sugar
• 25 g cocoa
• 1 pinch vanilla sugar
• 50 g soft butter
• 3-4 tbsp milk

• 4 dl / 240g powdered sugar
• 2 tbsp water
• ½ tsp lemon juice or vinegar

• Gingerbread cookies – trees and stars

How to:

1. Preheat oven to 180° C / 350° F
2. Melt butter and chocolate on low heat and stir until mixed and smooth. Leave to cool.
3. Whisk eggs, sugar, and vanilla sugar.
4. Mix the chocolate mixture into the batter.
5. Mix flour, cacao, baking powder, cinnamon and salt well. Gently it turn into the batter.
6. Pour the batter into a baking pan with baking-paper (20x25cm).
7. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Check with a skewer/stick. It’s supposed to be a little sticky.
8. Mix all the ingredients for the frosting until smooth.
9. Cover the cake with the frosting. 
10. Mix all the ingredients for the icing until smooth.
11. Decorate the gingerbread cookies with the icing and then cover a 1/3 of the cake with the rest of the icing.
12. Decorate the cake with the trees and some stars.
13. Sprinkle with powdered suger just before serving.