It’s apple season and we love it!!! We are huge fans of apples and all the delicious things you can do with them, like compotes, pies, chips or just a simple, but tasty apple cake.

Rosa and her family lives close to Frydenlund Fruit Planation – a picturesque old Castle with a beautiful orchard, where you can either buy apples and pears or pick your own. It’s such a nice way to spend the day and the kids love selecting their own apples without any marks or scares. 🙄 It’s also a perfect spot for an autumn picnic and some weekends they even have activities for kids, where they can make their own fruit-figures. Their self-picking season runs from early September to the end of October. The price is 20kr/kg. and you must remember to bring your own basket or bag.

If you’re not as lucky as Rosa, having a huge fruit plantation close by, our No Trouble Cinnamon and Cardamom Apple Cake will taste just as good with apples from your local supermarket. 🙂


You will need:

• 3 eggs
• 150 g soft butter
• 200 ml sugar
• 2 tsp vanilla sugar
• 350 ml wheat flour
• 1 tsp baking powder
• 100 ml milk
• 2 tsp cinnamon
• 2 tsp cardamom
• 3 apples

• A small handfull of chopped almonds

• Vanilla Custard or Vanilla Ice Cream


Do as the Danes and serve your apple cake with sour cream.

How to:

  1. Preheat the oven to 175° C / 350° F.
  2. Lubricate and powder a 1.5 l cake pan evenly with wheat flour. We used the  Classic Fluted Loaf Pan 1.4 liters.
  3. Whisk the butter and sugar airy.
  4. Add one egg at a time to the batter and mix well.
  5. Add milk and mix until combined.
  6. Mix flour, vanilla sugar and baking powder well and gently stir it into the batter.
  7. Peel and cut the apples into boat-shaped slices. Mix them with cinnamon and cardamom.
  8. Pour the batter into the cake pan and press the apple slices into the batter.
  9. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 35-40 minutes. Check with a skewer/stick that it comes out clean.
  10. Let cool completely on a wire rack before flipping it onto a serving dish.
  11. Decorate the cake with chopped almonds and serve with vanilla custard or vanilla ice cream.