As you may have noticed, we rarely say no to a delicious dessert. Therefore, it’s nice to have some healthy and delicious desserts you can resort to when the craving occurs. One of our favorites is this Orange Dates Dessert with Honey Glaze.

At our latitudes, now’s the time to enjoy the delicious, juicy oranges that taste so divinely good. They are still both sweet and juicy. But soon, unfortunately, they will become dry and sour. So don’t miss the opportunity to eat as many as you can! 🙂

Nice to know: Oranges are best stored on the kitchen table, avoiding direct sunlight. Storing the oranges in the fridge slows down the modation process, which of course can be good if you have bought many oranges but they will also slowly lose taste.
We think that the best oranges are of course organic, because you can use both juice and zest without problems. We love the ones form Freshland (this is not an advertisement – just a tip 🙂 ), as they stays fresh for a long time and come directly from local farmers – their avocados are also fantastic – just saying. 😉

For the next 3 upcoming posts we will bring you some of our favorite recipes with oranges. If you have a favorite recipe of your own with oranges, please share it with us in the comments below or post it on Instagram with #blisscopenhagen. We love to be inspired by others and to share and receive tips, ideas and recipes from our readers.

First one up is this Orange Dates Dessert with Honey Glaze – a recipe that’s been with us for at least 20 years and therefor deserves to be called a classic.


You will need:

Serves 2
• 4 oranges
• 6 dates, stoneless
• 60 g walnuts
• Honey or ahorn syrup

• 100 ml Greek yoghurt
• Honey or ahorn syrup

How to:

  1. Peel the oranges and cut them into thin slices.
  2. Put the orange slices on a large platter.
  3. Cut the dates into slices and chop the walnuts roughly.
  4. Sprinkle dates and walnuts over the orange slices.
  5. Drizzle over honey or ahorn syrup.
  6. Pour Greek yoghurt into a smal bowl. Drizzle over honey or ahorn syrup
  7. Serve the oranges with the yoghurt and some extra walnuts and honey/ahorn syrup on the side.